The Entire Book of Matthew...
Over 35,000 Words were Meticulously Hand-Lettered to create this Breathtaking Work of Art. The darker the area, the closer the letters are spaced... the farther apart the letters, the lighter that area appears!
The Words Begin at the Top of the Image...
"In the book of the generations of Jesus Christ" completing the entire Book of Matthew at the bottom of the oval... "with you always even unto the end of the world, Amen"
This incredible accomplishment was created by the flawless spacing of the letters!
Just look at the detail! The Cross... the Crown of Thorns, the Flow of his Hair, the Look in his Eyes, the Grain of his Beard, the Expression on his Face...his Shoulders, Aura, drops of Blood... and of course... Jesus' Powerful Expression of Compassion and Forgiveness... "Father, Forgive Them!
In The National Archives...
The White House deemed "The Picture Made of Words" a National Treasure on June 6th, 1979, and placed it in the National Archives... where it has been hidden and locked away for almost 50 years!
NOW... for a limited time, this One-of-a-Kind Work of Art is being made available to the public.